The Quarry - Marion Hänsel
112 minutes
South African countryside drama after the apartheid period.
A young white man takes the place of a homosexual pastor whom he has killed. The film is set in the South African countryside after the apartheid, but the ideas live on.
On a lonely stretch of road near a small coastal town in South Africa a murder is committed. There is no one to witness the act and one who could predict the bizarre repercussions which must inevitably follow. By taking on the identity of his victim, the murderer cannot foresee the sequence of events which, once set in motion, are inescapable, not only for him, but for all the town’s inhabitants -from the light-fingered Valentine, who unwittingly leads them to the body, to Captain Mong, who cannot rest until he gets his man. And beneath the apparent workings of justice, contradictory forces are at war…
John Lynch (the Man)
Jonny Philips (Captain Mong)
Oscar Petersen (Valentine)
Jody Abrahams (Small)
Sylvia Esau (the Woman)
Serge Henri Valcke (the Pastor)
script & direction: Marion Hänsel
based on the book by: Damon Galgut
camera: Bernard Lutic
sound: Henri Morelle, Dominique Hennequin
art director: Thierry Leproust
make-up: Dick Naastepad
costume design: Yan Tax
editing: Michèle Hubinon
music: Takashi Kako
laboratory: The Film Lab (South Africa), Cineco, G.T.C. (France)
producers: Eric Van Beuren, José Maria Morales, René Scholten, Jacqueline Pierreux
this film is a co-production of Man’s Films Productions (België) with Studio Nieuwe Gronden, Tchin Tchin Production (France) and Wanda Films (Spain),
this film is financially supported by:
Gouvernement de la Communauté Française de Belgique
Fonds Films in Vlaanderen
Nederlands Fonds voor de Film
Istituto Luce
Canal +
Montréal World Film Festival 1998: *Grand Prize of America, *Best musical contribution by Takashi Kako