Dreamhouse - Jan Wouter van Reijen
Original Dutch film title:
79 minutes
Conceptual film with portraits of future inhabitants of IJburg.
Future inhabitants of the new Amsterdam neighbourhood of IJburg reclaimed from the water of the IJsselmeer, are portrayed in their old and their new homes. The film is about how the metropolitan Dutch in 2003/2004 interact with their homes, how they furnish them and how much it is worth to them.
Future inhabitants of the new Amsterdam neighbourhood of IJburg, an island reclaimed from the water, are portrayed in their old and their new homes.
The director focuses on the people who will live in two types of housing units. Homes in the social rental sector and diverse classes of purchasable properties.
The film is a conceptual film. The systematic form in which the interaction of these people with their homes is presented, whereby sound fragments and image sequences tell their own stories, ultimately create a friction between hearing and seeing.
In the end the film is about how the metropolitan Dutch interact with their homes, how they furnish them and how much they are worth to them.
script, direction, camera, editing: Jan Wouter van Reijen
producer: Digna Sinke
this film is financially supported by:
Netherlands Film Fund
Stadsdeel Zeeburg