An angel in Doel - Tom Fassaert

AN ANGEL IN DOEL: Flemish spoken / Dutch, English and French subtitles
Original Dutch film title: DE ENGEL VAN DOEL
Sandwiched between the Antwerp container terminal and a nuclear power plant lies the village of Doel. A village that has been in the way of the megalomaniac expansionary urges of Antwerp for decades, and now finally has to disappear. While Doel is slowly dying, the elderly Emilienne attempts to keep up a pretence of normality. At her kitchen table village life seems to continue like nothing has changed. But when her close friends leave, the village priest dies and demolition begins. The downfall seems inevitable. Everything suggests that that Emilienne will have to let her village go.
Eventually the film is about man’s struggle against the inevitable: his own mortality.
distributed by Mokum Filmdistributie, 76 minutes plus extras
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